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  3. リーズ国際中世学会におけるシトー会関連報告




2005年第1セッション「シトーの空間と場所」 座長:T. N. Kinder (Cîteaux: Commentarii cistercienses, Pontigny)

Emilia M. Jamroziak (University of Edinburgh) “Old Stereotypes and New Interpretations: Cistercians in Pomerania and Scotland in the High Middle Ages”
David N. Bell (Memorial University of Newfoundland) “The Cistercian Scriptorium: What and Where It Was, and What and Where It Wasn’t”

2005年第2セッション「上位であるように、下位である?(As Above, So Below?)」 座長:T. N. Kinder

Erin Jordan (University of Northern Colorado) “Equal in Monastic Patronage? The Impact of Female Patrons on the Cistercian Order in the Thirteenth Century”
Paul Dryburgh (University of Reading) “Jugum oneris: Wool, Debt, and the Linquidation of Pipewell Abbey (1288-1323)”

2006年「中世におけるシトー会修道士」 座長:Emilia Jamroziak (Leeds University)

Elizabeth Hastings “William of Sant-Thierry on the filioque and the divine mission of the Holy Spirit: Some ecumenical reflections”
Elizabeth Freeman “A Cistercian Monk Writes to a Cistercian Nun: John Godard’s Treatise for the Abbess of Tarrant, England, c. 1250”
Grzegorz Zabinski “Why different? Economies of Eastern European Cistercian Monasteries of Mogila and Henryków up to the End of the Thirteenth Cnetury”

*1:Terryl N. Kinder, Cîteaux ad Leeds, 2005-2006, in: Cîteaux 57 (2006), pp. 147-150.

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