Saturday, 20th of October: “Catholics and Protestants in early modern Europe”.
08:40-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:20 Introduction by Katsumi Fukasawa (University of Tokyo)
09:20-10:20 Miriam Eliav-Feldon (Tel Aviv University), “Between Protestants and Catholics: the roots of religious toleration during the Reformation”.
10:30-11:30 Benjamin J. Kaplan (University College London), “Religious encounters in the borderlands of early modern Europe: the case of Vaals, a village in Dutch Limburg”.
11:40-12:40 Robert Matthew Armstrong (Trinity College Dublin), “Peace-making and the problems of religion: peace talks in Ireland and England during the civil wars of the 1640s”.
12:40-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Sugiko Nishikawa (University of Tokyo), “‘When in Rome…’: religious practice by Anglicans on the Continent in the 17th and early 18th centuries”.
15:10-16:10 Graeme Murdock (Trinity College Dublin), “Do good fences make good neighbours? Living with heretics in early modern Savoy”.
16:20-17:20 Masanori Sakano (Musashi University, Tokyo), “Port-Royalists as a catalyst for the inter-confessional dialogues in seventeenth-century France”.
17:30-18:30 Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire (Université de Nice / Institut Universitaire de France), “Can erudite friendship lower inter-confessional barriers and promote ecumenical dialogue? The case of the correspondence of cardinal Querini, Bishop of Brescia, with the pastors of the French reformed churches of Prussia in the 18th century”.Sunday, 21st of October: “Religious pluralism from the Mediterranean to Western Asia”
09:00-10:00 Makoto Kato (Japan Women’s University, Tokyo), “Jews in late medieval Navarre”.
10:10-11:10 Toshiyuki Chiba (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), “Conversion in form of reductio. The church union at the Council of Ferrara-Florence (1438-39)”.
11:20-12:20 Asuka Tsuji (Waseda University, Tokyo), “Wearing the blue turban again: the re-conversion of the Christians in Mamluk Egypt”.
12:20-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Yutaka Horii (Doshisha University, Kyoto), “Religious minorities and foreigners in Ottoman Cairo”.
14:40-15:40 Hiromi Saito (Shinshu University), “Religious policy in early modern Venice”.
15:50-16:50 Inessa Magilina (Volgograd), “The religious commitment of Shāh ‘Abbās the Great, Safavid king of Persia, upon the evidence of European contemporaries”.
17:00-18:00 Ray Jabre Mouawad (Lebanese American University), “Druzes and Christians in Mount-Lebanon: a rare case of religious symbiosis”.
18:00-18:30 General discussion and conclusion